Space Travel: The Newest Anti-Aging Trend! Or Is It??

By Alex Pham Introduction You may have heard that astronauts in space age slower than people on earth. But how is that possible? This phenomenon can be explained by time dilation, a theory in physics that has gained traction in pop culture due to the Academy Award winning science fiction movie, Interstellar (note: the idea … Continue reading Space Travel: The Newest Anti-Aging Trend! Or Is It??

What Happened to Grandpa’s Hair: An Explanation of Male Pattern Hair Loss

By Sarah G Latario Have you ever wondered why men bald differently than women? While hair loss does not exclusively affect people with an X and Y chromosome, male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia (AA), affects over 50% of men by age 50. The characteristic pattern of hair loss associated with AA begins … Continue reading What Happened to Grandpa’s Hair: An Explanation of Male Pattern Hair Loss

Using Fruit Flies to Fight Frontal-Temporal Dementia

By Julia Simpson Dr. Daniela Zarnescu, the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Training here at Penn State College of Medicine, has artistic renderings of fruit flies pinned to a corkboard in her office, and a stuffed neuron – small, fuzzy, and blue – on her desk. Dr. Zarnescu finds herself pulled in a … Continue reading Using Fruit Flies to Fight Frontal-Temporal Dementia

Trust in Science on the rise! Why are we concerned?

A recent post from Nature Magazine highlighted that the United States trust in scientists is now on par with trust in the United States military. The trust in science is on the rise according to a survey released on August 2nd with more than 4,000 participants. The survey was conducted through the PEW Research Center … Continue reading Trust in Science on the rise! Why are we concerned?

What is Radon? and how does it impact health?

By Ross Keller, PhD candidate in Biomedical Sciences You have probably heard vague notions about the health impacts of radon, but what is it exactly? And how does it impact health? Currently, radon is believed to be the second leading cause of environmentally caused lung cancer, following smoking. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 15,000-22,000 … Continue reading What is Radon? and how does it impact health?

Why Penn State College of Medicine Students Chose Graduate School

Everybody in this post has something in common. After 12 years of primary and secondary school and 4 years of undergraduate education, we all decided that we weren't done yet. But why? As it turns out, the graduate students of Penn State College of Medicine have very diverse, inspirational reasons for choosing to continue their education … Continue reading Why Penn State College of Medicine Students Chose Graduate School

The Scientific Conference Survival Guide

By: Amanda White, Research Technologist in the Department of Psychiatry Scientific conferences are an important way to learn about the latest developments in your field and to meet people who can help you advance your career. They are annual meetings organized by professional societies that include poster presentations, oral presentations, and social events. Conferences often … Continue reading The Scientific Conference Survival Guide

Why Graduate Students Should Meditate

By: Caitlin Millett, 3rd year PhD candidate in the Neuroscience Graduate Program “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ― Aristotle Meditation is an ancient practice dating back at least three millennia. It’s a fundamental component of many Eastern religious traditions and belief systems including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism, to name just a … Continue reading Why Graduate Students Should Meditate

“How Can I Join a Lab as an Undergraduate?”

By: Caitlin Millett, 2nd year PhD candidate in the Neuroscience Program There are many benefits to participating in undergraduate research. In most cases, especially in STEM fields, writing a research thesis is a requirement for graduation. Moreover, it’s necessary for a strong application to graduate or medical school. That said, there are many aspects of … Continue reading “How Can I Join a Lab as an Undergraduate?”